Look at poor Punxsutawney Phil, I don't think I'd be very happy having such and...ummm...undignified picture of me published. You can see cuter ones at his website by clicking his name above. I think this picture came from the Associated Press and I hope they don't mind a little Yorkie using the picture on her blog.
Even though P. Phil is the most popular Ground Hog today, there are other ground hogs out there who either did, or did not see their shadows, so my owner and I decided that Ground Hog Day must be a regional thing. When Spring will come depends upon the ground hog that lives closest to you. What do you think?
Here's what we've been able to pick up from ground hogs around the USA, at least on the Eastern part of the country:
- If you live near Punxsutawney, PA, Phil saw his shadow, so you are probably going to have 6 more weeks of winter
- The brave Ground Hog who makes his home in the Big Apple, New York City, supposedly didn't see his shadow, so just maybe in our area, Spring will come sooner.
- The Marion, Ohio ground hog DID see his shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter there.
- Down in Atlanta, Georgia, no shadow was seen, so in that region there will be an early spring....as if Spring isn't already early enough for you folks down there in the southern states:-)
All I know is I'm getting tired of barking at snow...yes, I bark whenever I look out the window and see that it's snowing, so Spring can't come soon enough for me (or anyone who has to listen to me.)