Friday, January 17, 2014

Is Your Dog Showing Symptoms of an Ear Infection?

Dogs get many of the same ailments that humans do, including ear infections.  A dog will not be able to tell you that he/she has an ear infection, so if they exhibit signs of discomfort, such as pawing gently at the ear, snapping at you when usually even tempered, and not wanting to do the usual things they enjoy, you may need to take them to the vet for an evaluation. 

If you visit this link to an article about dog ear infections, you'll find some helpful information, you'll also find it listed under "pages" to the right. If you have any comments to make, come back here after you read the article, I don't think there's a place to make comments on the pages.

We hope that your dog is being kept warm during the cold months if you are living in a cold climate like we are.  There have been some extra cold days this year.

Updated 2/27/17 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Still A Popular Blog and Thoughts on Getting a New Dog

In spite of the passing of Aspen in August, something that I don't think I'll ever quite get over, though the pain isn't as acute as it used to be, this blog remains one of my most popular.  

As the new year came about, I reviewed each of my blogs, deciding which I am going to let go, and which I am going to keep.  Though tears may come to my eyes each time I see Aspen's face looking back at me in the header of the blog, this one will remain.

I have felt the pull to get a new dog, but am still struggling with the whole thing.  I guess until I "meet" the right dog and feel confident in the decision, the time is not right.  

Careful consideration should always be made when bringing a dog into the home, as you do not want to hurt the dog's feelings...and they do have giving them up if things don't work out as you had hoped.  

So, I wish you a happy New Year, we will see what it brings, and I'll keep bringing you articles to help in the care of your pets.

Related Posts:

Grieving a Lost Pet
Saying Goodbye to Aspen  

Updated 2/27/17