Do you see this little Dachshund puppy? [Typed for Aspen by her owner.] One
of the people who used to live here, and went away and got married,
came to visit a while back. I was really excited because I miss Heather, but guess
what, when she and her husband walked in the door, they were holding
this. The little puppy in the picture.
First, this is
my "turf" so I wasn't at all excited about having another little dog come
and visit, second, Heather now has another dog in her life...first a man
comes along and marries her so she doesn't live here anymore, then they
decide to get this little dog. Yes, I'm jealous.
heard Heather trying to figure out how I was related to the dog...she
said that I was her sister. I can't understand that one since I'm a dog
and she's a human, but I guess it's because I'm like one of the owner's
children. (Humans really do think strangely). So she figures that I'm
her dogs Aunt.
Since then, they have adopted another dog, and they have two cats as well. It's taken time, but I've gotten used to the whole idea.
P.S. If you want to know where they got this puppy, I can ask, the breeders have a nice website.
Related Links about Dog Breeds and Mixes:
What do you Get when you Mix a Dachshund and Yorkie?
Basset Hound
About Chow-Chow Puppies and Dogs
What is a Morkie?
Updated 2/28/17