Thursday, December 17, 2015

Just Added a New Yorkie Clip Art Page

I do more than just posts on this blog. You will also find individual web pages written by me if you look in the right margin for "Pages".

The most recent addition is a page on Yorkshire Terrier clip art, as well as free photos and pages to color.

There are quite a few helpful pages available.

Updated 2/27/17

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Finding Pet Friendly Beach Vacation RV or Rental Specials

We love the beach and just returned from a long weekend close to the Jersey shore (see picture taken by my hubby). 
We traveled with our Pomeranian, Happy. She is a good traveler and quiet when she should be so we aren't concerned about her disturbing other guests in rentals or hotels. 

We travel with an RV, and find that most RV parks that allow pets require that you:
  • Have written proof that Rabies vaccinations are up to date 
  • That your dog not bark and be kept on leash
  • That you clean up after your dog
  • That the dog cannot be left in the RV when you are out and about (some allow this, but most don' may find places that offer pet sitting at a reasonable price.)   

When it comes to pet friendly lodging, the biggest concern that many have in my opinion is cleanliness. We recently stayed at a moderately priced hotel and found a few black dog hairs embedded in the underside of the bed spread...this was disgusting to us even though we are dog owners and live in a home that has pet hair here and their from our own dog. So you will want to read reviews when you visit sites or read advertisements about pet friendly hotels and motels.

You can visit this link which provides GOOGLE search results for pet friend hotels to get you started. One thing that we have found is that many people like to travel with their pets, and if you do find a place that you enjoy, you will meet many friendly pet owners and pets along the way. 

We were apprehensive when we took our first trip with the dog in the RV, not knowing what to expect. Granted we can't run into the fine restaurants for meals, and have to adjust to having the dog. We found outdoor eateries that allowed your dog to sleep underfoot, and opted to eat many of our meals at the RV which in many ways was more relaxing than having to figure out where to eat next.

If you have any favorite pet friendly travel destinations that you have found to be to your liking, please let us know in a comment.

Updated 6/26/19

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Worms and Worming Your Dog

Worms, ick, I can't imagine any dog having to deal with worms. We got Aspen as a puppy and made sure to keep close watch on what she ate. When we got Happy this year, she was between 2 and 3 years old, so we had to update her shots and leave a stool specimen to be checked for worms. Thankfully, there were none. In spite of our good fortune, we have an article about worms and worm remedies on this blog that was just updated today. Look at the list of pages to the right, and you'll find it, or click the link in the following paragraph.

I think the reason we don't have worms is that we never let our dogs run and we always know what they are eating. If you are having trouble with worms, click right here to go to our article.

Updated 2/17/17

Monday, July 13, 2015

Pomeranian Rescue Brings Happiness After Loss

It is almost two years since we said goodbye to Aspen, the inspiration for this blog. It took me until a few months ago to feel ready to look for a new furbaby to rescue.

During the past 9 months, things have been difficult. I have not been blogging much, but focusing what energy I have on my brother who passed away 2 weeks ago today. My brother, John, had been disabled due to an illness since he was 6 months old, and then he developed a brain tumor on top of this. Due to his disabilities, he was unable to talk, and we could not converse with him about his ailment. We made many difficult decisions for him, and through it all, as long as he was able, he smiled and loved us back as we lavished him with love knowing our days with him were numbered. I shared what I wrote for his funeral in a post that is no longer published on the web, so I share it here: 

Monday my precious brother left this life for his home in Heaven. His difficult journey is finally over.
We had his funeral on Wednesday, it was a simple but sweet graveside funeral as my Mom is 86 and frail and something long and drawn out would have been hard for her. There was singing, and each of us shared, and I'd like to share with you what I shared, written as a letter to my brother, who lived his whole life mentally and physically disabled, but almost always with a smile.
Precious brother,

I am so thankful for the good memories that we have had together that I will treasure until we meet again in Heaven.
I am thankful that my husband was able to be there to be part of these memories with us. He loved you so much.
I remember going to holiday events with you where you worked years ago.
I remember making picnic lunches and taking you out for your birthday a few times to enjoy the outdoors.
I remember taking you on camping weekends to a wonderful place in Pennsylvania, your laugh and what fun we had in the car going to and from.
I remember how God opened many doors so that you could live at a wonderful group home.... You were loved and appreciated for your happy personality, a light to all around you. It was so much fun to attend events with you there.
I remember your courage during these last 9 months of your life spent in the hospital and care center…your ready smile, coloring and doing things with you when you were able; and then holding your hand, massaging your shoulders, praying with you, and stroking your arms with my heart full of love when you were unable.
Now all of that is part of the past, and right now I picture you seeing Jesus, running and walking tall, talking clearly for the first time, and look forward to our first real conversation some day soon in Heaven.
Until then, dear brother, I love you, and will miss you so much.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Psalm 116:15

But back to the subject at May, after much searching, and little time to do so, I asked God if He could once again bring a dog our way, and He did just that. A neighbor's daughter knew the previous owner of the dog we have adopted, and she was destined to be abandoned at a park. 

I saw my neighbor and her daughter walking down the street with the dog as we were getting the car packed to leave on a short was love at first sight, so I told her if she still had the dog when we got home, I'd take her. I was sure that a home would be found quickly, and she would be gone when we got home, but she wasn't, and within a couple hours of getting home, we had ourselves a sweet but timid female Pomeranian.

My grown children were visiting for Mother's Day, and my son said I should name her Happy, because she looks like she is smiling, and makes me so I did.

Happy has come a long way and is not shy at all anymore with my husband and I, and is a very gentle and loving approximately 3 year old 11 lb. Pomeranian. I am in love with a fur-baby once again!

Updated 2/27/17

Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Have Owned Many Guinea Pigs

My love for guinea pigs goes way back to when I kept them as pets during my middle and high school years. In fact I had a guinea pig when I was in college that lived for a while in the science department. No, no experiments were done on it, it just seemed the best place to have a guinea pig and the college let me do this. 

I have had litters born and raised baby guinea pigs, these were always born at night...I think this may be a guinea pig trait. The babies are adorable.

My children had pet guinea pigs as well. They are gentle animals, children should be watched when handling them as they are not an animal that will protect itself if being handled roughly. 

If you are considering getting a guinea pig, expect to clean the cage regularly as they do produce a lot of urine. You will want to set up the cage properly for this...but they are wonderful pets.

This is guinea pig adoption month, it may be a good month to see if there are any available at your shelter if they house small animals like this, or at a site like Petfinder in your location.

Public Domain Image Credit: Guinea Pig by Peter Griffin

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Freezing Feral Cats Outside My Door

The coldest days of the winter decided to arrive in mid-February this year, and it is at times like this that my heart goes out to the feral cats in our neighborhood. Unlike the picture you see here, the ground is covered with snow from snowstorm after snowstorm, and this and next week are our coldest days this winter season.

One cat in particular, a black cat, likes to sleep on the warm sunny side of my house where on the coldest of days the sun and protection from wind is best. Sometimes it sleeps in our front doorway as the wood is a dark color and soaks up the warmth from the sun.

Our Township has a program in which they will spay or neuter feral animals, but we must first catch them, and take them to the animal shelter. Once the surgery is complete and they have recovered, they are returned to the wild. Their ears are notched while they are in surgery so that we can identify the ones that have been spayed or neutered.

There are two cat lovers in our neighborhood who have managed to catch each one and have this surgery done, which has saved us from having many kittens born...that used to happen pretty regularly. These neighbors have been feeding the cats as well, putting out dishes of food and water. I never got in the habit because Aspen, when she was still with us, would chase them away, but am grateful to the neighbors that do.

I have heard that you can make shelters with, for example, a large Styrofoam cooler that you cut an opening into, and place it somewhere where they are likely to roam, or near where you put out food if you do that. But our property and house seem to provide natural shelter to our "wild" feral cats.

Image via Pixabay