Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dog Breeds Most Likely to Suffer Bloat or Gastric Torsion Symptoms

"Bloat" or your veterinarian might call it "Gastric Torsion" can be a very serious and scary condition. If it isn't treated early, it can be life-threatening.

When the condition is present, the stomach in the dogs digestive system twists in a way that makes it hard for food to to move through, and it becomes bloated because of the food decay, and ultimately, unfortunately, can lead to death.

This is a condition that larger dogs are inclined to get. If you own one of the following breeds, you may want to learn more about this so you can prevent it:

  1. Big sized Poodle

  2. Labrador Retriever

  3. Saint Bernard

  4. Gordon Setter

  5. Great Dane

  6. Doberman Pinscher

  7. English Sheepdog

  8. Irish Setter

It is large dogs with large chest cavities that are more inclined to suffer from this condition.

What are some of the symptoms?

  1. Drooling more than usual

  2. Signs of pain in the abdomen

  3. Trying to vomit, but not producing anything or producing foamy mucous material

  4. Not wanting to play like usual, lying around curled up instead.

  5. Later when the stomach becomes more bloated, more discomfort and more danger

  6. Hard abdomen to the touch where it is usually soft to the touch
Dogs vomit for many reasons, even small dogs can spit up foamy yellow "stuff" which isn't uncommon, especially in the morning before eating because their stomachs are empty, and bigger dogs who play outside and aren't watched are good at finding things to eat that make them sick.  But if you suspect something more, it is ALWAYS best to have your pet checked by your veterinarian.  It may not be as serious as you think, but if it is, at least you will have support and guidance from your Vet.

Treatment:  Very basically, releasing the dangerous pressure and surgery are usually the treatment for this.  Do a search on this condition, you can use the search feature on this site if you wish, to find more information about this condition on the web.

Prevention:  Sometimes you can prevent this by not feeding one large meal a day, but feeding a few smaller meals...when you eat your three meals, give your dog a 3rd of what he/she should eat in a day, too.

When you change to a new food, it is ALWAYS a good idea to do it gradually for many reasons, mixing new food with old and gradually changing over.  Are you buying a dog?  See if any of it's "ancestors" have had the condition.

Updated 2/27/17