Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How You Can Help Lost and Needy Animals


We're sure sorry we didn't get this post to you last week when the Home Again Web Site was supporting the American Humane Association’s Be Kind to Animals Week® by donating $1 for every pet that was registered to the program, but that sure doesn't mean that isn't a site worth visiting.

The site was created as a a fundraising Web site specifically created to help shelter animals.

There are things that you can do to "be kind to animals", including your pet not only on a week set aside to focus on the subject, but every day of every week:

  • Make sure your pets are properly identified with something that will last, that will not get lost, and is easy to read.

  • With hot months coming to parts of the US where seasons change, PLEASE DO NOT leave your pet out in the car with windows closed.  This is a thought that gives my owner and I nightmares!

  • If you leave your dog out for long periods of time in warm weather, make sure they have a shady spot to rest...and not just an enclosed doghouse, they can get warm inside if they are in direct sun, but if it's not terribly hot, are better than nothing.  If it's very hot, keep you pet inside where it's cool...treat them like you'd treat yourself.

  • Also, if outside provide water to drink during the day.

  • PLEASE make sure that your pets are protected from fleas and ticks.

You can find many things to help you protect and care for your pet at and when you purchase, you are benefiting animals in need, animals that are living in shelters waiting for someone to bring them home and give them love.  It doesn't cost you anything extra with your purchase to provide food and medical care to needy animals.

Did you know that has helped recover more than 500,000 lost pets? They provide a pet-recovery service that goes beyond microchipping, which, by the way, is an excellent way to protect your pet from getting lost.  For a reasonable yearly fee, you have access to pet-recovery specialists and emergency medical assistance 24/7...the program also includes up to $3,000 (- $50 deductible) in medical insurance for lost pets, and more.

Please do visit my sponsors site for so many more wonderful details!
