Monday, April 20, 2009

Grooming Your Own Yorkie Dog

I've been thinking about how nice it would be if my owner would get around to clipping the hair around my eyes, and my nails. She gave me a bath and trimmed most of my hair about a week ago. She gets a little nervous with the scissors around the eyes, so I'm trying to get her to look into the Yorkie grooming instructions provided by clicking here, especially since this is specifically about grooming Yorkies, right down to the littlest detail, and because the Yorkie in the picture at the site looks just like me!

And for some more grooming information, let me remind you about some of the posts we have already written on this blog:

  1. Cleaning a dog's teeth - this was an article we found that tells you how to clean your dogs teeth, and how important it is.  We posted it back when I was having tooth problems.

  2. How my owner groomed me - this post is from almost a year ago, we share in simple terms how I was groomed, but not with the great detail you'll find in this yorkie grooming instructional resource.

  3. Clipping your dogs nails - here's another page that we did that you should find helpful, my nails are quite long now, and need trimming.

  4. Not grooming may cause ear infections - this is about ear infections, but has some information about how not grooming the ears properly can lead to infected ears in dogs.

Those are just a few things that we hope will help you, and now it's time for us to stop blogging so I can beg for treats and then my owner can try to start working on some quilting.