Until we have enough frost, or even a good freeze, pets need to be protected against fleas and ticks. You can't let your guard down just because the air is cooler.
It is fall where we are, the leaves are changing, the air is crisp, but not crisp enough to kill fleas and ticks. In fact, during this season these nasty bugs are looking for warm bodies to hitch a ride on, and then to do their dirty work of biting as they live on the blood of warm blooded animals.
They may even hitch a ride on your pets into the home, and sometimes even infest the home.
This time of
year it is especially important to use some kind of flea repellent so
your pet doesn't suffer and your home is kept tick and flea free.
I have written a page that includes an article about protecting your dog from fleas and ticks. You can click here to find the article, and look in the right margin for other full page articles.
Image Credit: "Flea Drinking Tea" by debspoons at freedigitalphotos.net
Updated 2/27/17