Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cops Make "Kissy Faces" At This Friend

I have another friend to introduce you too, and from this picture, I'd say this is one lucky dog! I mean look at her, she can lounge in the grass...I can't do that 'cause I have allergies to flea bites, even if they just hop on and give me one little bite, and that happens even if I have my Frontline on. Kelly is 12 1/2 years old, and is part Yellow Labrador Retriever and part something else, maybe terrier.

Her full name is Kelle Belle, and her owner, Debra Shiveley Welch said saying her name is kinda' like singing "Wooly Booley", my owner laughed, but I was a little confused? After all, my owner is a LOT older than I am...oh, I'm not supposed to say that!  But she remembered a song and started to sing it.  Very strange human behavior.

kelle belle the dog

I guess you're wondering about the "Cops" thing. My owner said Cops are Police men and women. They ride around in cars that have sirens and flashy lights sometimes.  They are there to protect humans from danger, but she said that once in a while, VERY rarely (ha!) one pulls up behind her and she has to pull the car over and show the police person some little papers in her wallet.  Then he gives her something called a ticket.

But for Wooly Booley, I mean Kelly Belle, that doesn't happen. When they are driving behind her owners car, they think she's so cute they make kissy faces at her, I bet that has saved Debra LOTS of tickets! I'll have to try that sometime, because even though I don't know what a ticket is, it sounds like something bad.

I'm happy to have another new friend! She takes good care of Debra's son, Chris, too. Oh, did I tell you that Debra and her son are both authors? You'll have to visit Debra's website!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tips on Buying Horses

My owner loves horses. She used to have one, and wanted us to write about horses on this blog, so we talked about it, and I let her add a page to the site with some simple horse buying tips.

She used to own an Appaloosa, and said that I am smaller than a horses head. I guess I must be pretty small, or horses must be really big. I like writing about me the most, and thought we had agreed we would just write about little dogs, but she loves other kinds of animals too, abd begged me, and promised me an extra snack that she's giving me right now!

Enjoy the horse article, we'll be back with something about dogs tomorrow. Snack time!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Snack Time Yorkie Pictures

Hi people, it's me, Aspen the Yorkie, with pictures of myself waiting for my snack. I LOVE snack time, it's my favorite time of the day!

Here's a (blurry!) picture of me waiting while my snack is being broken into tiny pieces, I know, you're wondering why they have to break my snacks in tiny pieces. I guess I'm kind of strange, but I don't like chewing or gnawing on things. I've been given every kind of chew thing you can think of, and I don't like them. What things do you dogs out there like to chew on?

Yorkie waiting for snack

And finally, here's me eating, I'm so happy!! I love my snacks.

Yorkie eating snack

My owner may try making some snacks sometime, I hope I like them!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My New Rescue Dog Friend

I got an email today introducing me to a new friend named Copper. I know you will be fine, Copper, because my owner said that the people that took you home are so very nice, it looks like you figured that out already. I like taking naps with my toys too, especially my worn out bunny that I have had all my life. I hope you feel at home real soon. Here's the email, and a picture of Copper:

Hi Aspen,

I wanted to introduce you to our new four legged son, Copper. We rescued him from the Vet who was going to have to turn him over to the animal shelter because his family didn't come claim him. Copper has some separation anxiety problems but we are working on helping him. He loves his squeaky toys. He got a new squeaky turkey today and is taking a nap with turkey right now.

This picture was of when we went to meet Copper for the first time at the Vet. He took to me instantly. It took him a couple of days to warm up to his new daddy, but now they are best friends!

Blessings, Betty